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Marshall, Darrell
Greetings my Friends and Classmates. My experiences at Royal helped make me the person I am today and many of you can (whether you like it or not) claim some credit for that: Ernie's Army (Schultz), U Turn Okay (Mr. Rast), the Physics Teacher, Math Club, Chess Club, Pacers, Varsity Lettermen, Speech and Debate (RIP Jeff Vopal my Debate partner), ASBYU (and NO as ASB Secretary I NEVER sat on Sebek's lap - but Soph Class Secretary Deb Balsamo who did all my typing probably sat on mine and did wear my Letterman Jacket for awhile) and so forth. I graduated and had the world by the tail ... two years later I was sent home from my LDS Mission with less than 20% chance of living or not being brain dead (not much of a difference is it). It changed my life forever and not for the good. But I am a Survivor so here I am.
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